包头国家稀土高新技术产业开发区成立于1990年,1992年被国务院批准为国家级高新区,是全国88个国家级高新区中唯一以稀土资源命名的高新区,也是内蒙古地区唯一的国家级高新区。先后被国家有关部委认定为“包头国家稀土新材料高新技术产业化基地”、全国首批“国家新型工业化产业示范基地有色金属(稀土新材料)基地”等11个国家级基地(中心)。辖区总面积150平方公里,总人口12万。目前,初步形成了以稀土新材料及其应用、铝铜深加工、高端装备制造等主导产业为支撑,以稀土应用产业园区等八个特色“区中园”为载体的发展格局。全区注册企业3109家,其中在地稀土企业75家,上市公司投资企业22家;经内蒙古自治区认定的高新技术企业52家,占全自治区的38%,占包头市的89%。稀土是我区的立区之本,强区之基。包头拥有稀土储量位居世界第一的白云鄂博稀土矿(稀土工业储量为5738万吨,占全国工业储量的87.1%,占世界工业储量的62%),是全国最大的轻稀土原材料产品的生产基地和供应基地。我区作为全国唯一以“稀土”命名的国家级高新区,立足自身优势,积极探索稀土资源整合及保护、利用,以加快转变稀土产业发展方式为主线,以整合包头稀土资源为依托,以科技创新为动力,按照建设2个中心(稀土储备中心和稀土产权技术交易中心),打造3个平台(政策平台、创新平台、创业平台),构筑4个基地(人才基地、研发基地、生产基地、出口基地),实现5个转变(由粗放型向集约型转变、数量型向质量型转变、传统型向现代型转变、单一型向多元型转变、封闭型向开放型转变)的思路,努力打造世界稀土之都,加快建设全国一流创新型特色稀土高新区。 Rare earth is the base and important resorce for developing industries in hi-tech zone. Baiyunerbo mine is located in Baotou (the oxide rare earth deposit in Baotou reaches 57.38million tons which covers 87.1% of China,62% of Global), and which has become the raw material base of the world rare earth industry. As the only one Hi-tech Zone which named with resorce, Rare Earth Hi-tech zone focuses on the rare earth applicaton and protection, accelerates the transformation of rare earth industry development and takes advantage of resources and innovates by science and technology . Rare earth Hi-tech zone aims to build two centers which are RE storage and trade center; three plantforms which are policy platform, innovation platform and venture platform and four bases including talent base, research base manufacture base and export base. Trying to achieve five transformation that is Extensive to intensive transformation, quantity to quality transformation, the traditional to the modern transformation, single to multivariate transformation close to open transformation. Rare earth Hi-tech zone is trying to build the Hi-tech zone as the world of rare earth capital and accelerate the constructing innovation characteristic hi-tech zone Baotou Rare Earth Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (RE Hi-tech Zone, or the Zone) was established in 1990. Two years later, in the year 1992, it was designated by the State Council as a national hi-tech zone. It is the only national hi-tech zone characterized by developing rare earth industry among 88 national hi-tech zones, and the only hi-tech zone at national level in IMAR as well. Baotou Rare Earth Hi-Tech Zone was named “The base of national rare earth new material development” and “National base for Non-ferrous metals” by the National Science Department. The Hi-tech zone covers the total area of 150 square kilometers and a population of 12000. Currently the key industries here including Rare Earth industry and application ,aluminium , magnesium and copper deep processing industry ,high-end equipment manufacturing industry etc and here also has Rare earth application parks etc 8 parks. There are over 3109 registered enterprises in the Zone, among which there are 75 rare earth enterprises、 22 listed enterprises . The total amount of the appoved hi-tech enterprises is 52,which accounts to around 38% of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and to 89% of Baotou city.
包头稀土高新区管委会 档案
公司名称 | 包头稀土高新区管委会 |
经营模式 | |
公司规模 | |
成立年份 | |
所在地区 | 内蒙古-包头市 |
主营产品 | 稀土产业发展论坛 |
联系人姓名 | 李晓燕 |
固定电话 | 0472-5304705 |
传真 | 0472-5126355 |
邮编 | 014010 |
详细地址 | 内蒙古包头市阿尔丁大街89号稀土大厦1009室 |
网址 | http://www.cnecc.org.cn/Datum.asp?ShowType=About&MemberID=2934 |